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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines


Article Title and Author's Name

The title of the article must be written briefly, clearly, and correctly indicates the problem that is being discussed. The title is made with no opportunity for ambiguous interpretation and is written using capital letters in bold. The title must not contain abbreviations that are not commonly used and must prioritize the main idea of the article which can then be followed by other secondary ideas. The name of the author of the article is listed without an academic degree and is placed under the title of the article. Authors are required to include an email address. The title must not be more than 20 words, and the papers must be no less than 10 pages and no more than 20 pages.



The article requires an abstract and keywords. The abstract of the Community Service (PKM) articles contains: (i) The issues or problems discussed; (ii) The Approaches in identifying the problems or theories or frameworks used to explain the problems; (iii) How to carry out the community service activities or the methods to solve problems in community service activities; and (iv) conclusions from the discussions that have been described or the results of the community service. The abstract must not be more than 250 words and 4 – 6 keywords.



This section contains the conditions or problems that underlie or inspire the implementation of the community service and the objectives of Community Service. Specifically, the introductory section should contain the background, gap analysis, and community service objectives. The background can be sourced from actual problems that occur in a certain group of communities or phenomenon that occur from observations in the field. The problem in question had never been explored in depth by the previous service, so that it creates a gap that requires a solution through the community service activities being carried out. The introduction must also write a review of previous literature (state of the art) as the basis for the scientific novelty statement from the written service article. At the end of the introduction, the purpose of the community service should be written by considering the background and literature review that has been described previously.



The section describes the design and approach used in the community service in a coherent and clear manner. This section can also be used to explain data collection techniques, data analysis techniques procedures, or methods used to solve the problems so that the community service needs to be carried out. The characteristics of the community target who are partners in the community service must be explained adequately. Some examples of popular methods used in community services include: (i) Community education, for example, counseling or delivering material on certain themes aimed at increasing the understanding and awareness of the targeted community; (ii) Diffusion of appropriate technology, for example, dissemination of the use of simple technology that is effective and useful in improving the quality of life and economic welfare of the targeted community; (iii) Training, for example, skills development activities which are dominated by practical demonstrations in an effort to achieve certain standards; (iv) Advocacy, for example, activities in the form of assistance to the targeted groups; (v) Mediation, for example, activities that show community service host as mediators in solving problems that exist in the community.


Results and Discussion

The section is a description of the results, including an explanation of the benefits of all community service activities, and is a review that contains answers to the problems that must be solved. This section describes the results or outputs of the community service, which can be in the form of improving community's knowledge, skills or in the form of products. The Results section also describes the level of achievement of a community services target. If the result of community service is in the form of a product, it is necessary to provide an explanation of the product specifications, including the advantages and disadvantages of the product in question. The discussion of the community service activities' results needs to be accompanied by photos, tables, graphs, charts, or pictures. The discussion must be carried out sequentially in accordance with the order of objectives that have been set and delivered based on logical arguments by linking the results of community service reported to the theory, other community service results, or research results.



The section should be written briefly but explains the substance of the results accompanied by suggestions or recommendations for future community services. Conclusions are: (i) Brief and accurate statements based on the results of the discussion; (ii) Answers the problems and must be related to the purpose of the activities. Meanwhile, suggestions are the experiences and considerations of the authors which are intended for: (i) Other researchers in similar fields who wish to carry out further community services; (ii) Practical policies; and (iii) Methods improvement.



Mention the institutions or individuals who contributed to the community service process and the writing of scientific articles.


Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest

Disclosing all relationships that have the potential to cause bias in the final results of article writing. Although the authors may not be aware of the potential for such conflicts, disclosure of relationships with other parties involved provides a more transparent and objective process. Articles will be judged fairly and disclosure of conflicts of interest does not necessarily indicate disapproval of articles. Some potential conflicts of interest that are directly or indirectly related to community service may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Grants from the funding institution (please write the service funder and the grant number);
  2. Honorarium for speaking at conferences;
  3. Financial support for attending conferences;
  4. Financial support for educational programs;
  5. Support from sponsors of community service projects;
  6. Positions on the advisory board or board of directors or any other type of management relationship
  7. Multiple affiliations


Fund Resourcing

Funding institutions must be written in full, followed by the grant number in square brackets. An example of writing a fund resourcing uses the following sentence:

Author receives funding support for the implementation of community service, as well as the writing, and/or publication of this article from Institution X [grant number].

If the community service is supported by more than one institution, the institution must be separated by a semicolon, including “and” in front of the last funding agency. An example of writing a fund resourcing uses the following sentence: The

Author receives funding support for the implementation of community service, as well as the writing, and/or publication of this article from Institution X [grant number]; Institution Y [grant number]; and Institution Z [grant number].

In some cases, community service is not funded by a specific project grant, but from other resources available to universities or other community service institutions. If no special funds are provided for community service, we ask the author to use the following sentence:

Author does not receive funding support for the implementation of community service, as well as the writing, and/or publication of this article.


All sources or references cited in the previous section must be included in the bibliography which contains at least 10 (ten) scientific articles that have been published in the last five years. Technically, a bibliography written using a citation format of 5th APA (American Psychological Association). To facilitate the editing and review process, the use of Mendeley's Reference Manager is highly recommended.



H.S, Salim & Sutrisno, Budi. (2008). Hukum Investasi di Indonesia. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.

Book Collection of Articles:

Saukah, Ali. & Waseso, M.G. (Eds). (2002). Menulis Artikel untuk Jurnal Ilmiah (4th edition, 1st issue). Malang: Universitas Muhammadiyah Press.

Articles in the Book of Articles Collection:

Pahlevi, Indra. (2003). Perkembangan Partai Politik di Indonesia: Studi terhadap Ideologi Partai Politik Peserta Pemilu 2004, dalam Susiana S. (Ed), Pemilu 2004: Analisis Politik, Hukum, dan Ekonomi. Jakarta: Pusat Pengkajian dan Pelayanan Informasi Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI.

Articles in Journals or Magazines:

Surbakti, Ramlan. (2002). Identifikasi Partai Politik bagi Kaum Perempuan: Kajian tentang Perempuan dalam Ilmu Politik, Jurnal Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, No.6/Year III, April.

Article in Newspaper:

Saragih, Juli Panglima. Perekonomian Kita di Tengah Globalisasi Ekonomi Dunia, Surabaya Post, 1 October 1994.

Newspapers/News in Newspapers (No Author's Name):

Wanita Kelas Bawah Lebih Mandiri, Jawa Pos, 22 April 1995.

Official Document:

Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa. (n.d). Pedoman Penulisan Laporan Penelitian. Jakarta: Depdikbud.

Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 2 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, Jakarta: PT. Armas Duta Jaya.

Translated Books:

Gujarati, Damodar N. & Porter, Dawn C. (2010). Dasar-Dasar Ekonometrika, translated by Eugenia Mardanugraha, Sita Wardhani, & Carlos Mangunsong. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.

Thesis, Thesis, Dissertation, Report Community Service:

Budiasih. (2008). “Fenomena Fear of Floating Nilai Tukar di Indonesia Periode 1998-2007: Identifikasi, Alasan Ekonomi dan Implikasinya Terhadap Kebijakan Moneter”. Dissertation not published, Depok: Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Indonesia.

Seminar Papers, Workshops, Upgrading:

Waseso, M.G. “Isi dan Format Jurnal Ilmiah”, papers presented in “Penulisan Artikel dan Pengelolaan Jurnal Ilmiah”  Workshop and Seminar, Universitas.

Internet (Individual Works):

Carr, S. Hitchcock, L. & Hall, W. (1996). A Survey of STM Online Journals, 1990-1995: The Calm before the Storm, (online), (, accessed on  12th June 1996).

Internet (Articles inJournals Online):

Kumaidi. (1998). Pengukuran Bekal Awal Belajar dan Pengembangan Tesnya, Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, (online), Volume 5, No.4, (, accessed 20 January 2000).

Internet (Discussion Material):

Wilson, Dave. 20 November 1995, Summary of Citing Internet Sites, NETTRAIN Discussion List, (online), ([email protected], accessed 22 November 1995).

Internet (e-mail personal):

Naga, D.S. ([email protected]), artikel untuk JIP, email kepada Ali Saukah ([email protected]), 1 October 1997.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.